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Hey readers who come upon to my blog , I'm Vanessa. I know my name is common . I've spend 14 years of my life doing nothing . I'm quiet at the outside , noisy in the inside. No one understand me , so don't bother understanding me , no one have succeed in trying to understand me well . In my life , family and friends are my pillars of strength . Love ? What is Love ? Last but not least , I love SuperJunior .

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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It's been a long time that I've last updated my blog. Been busy for this few weeks. Studying . Try my best to understand Physics , but I still can't. Only less than 2 weeks then exams already . I know now I should be studying , not always using laptop . I just can't help it. It is too fast already. To me , Yesterday was just the first day of school , but now it is going to be the end of the year. I never heard 'Time flies when you are suffering' . I only heard 'Time flies when you are having fun' . Nevermind , after exams then can let down your hair already.